Avis : Carrefour dentaire de Montréal
- K Katherine 81 days ago 5 étoiles Of all the dentists I have met and dealt with in my years Dr McKay is one amazing guy! Gentle in all the...
- B Bae 39 days ago 5 étoiles What an amazing place and caring team. They were so kind and patient with me because I have an anxiety...
- P Peter Lenihan 84 days ago 5 étoiles Lost a filling very early on the 24th of December! My dentists' office was closed. I recalled having had...
- B Brian Döc Holidæ 91 days ago 5 étoiles I want to say a thank you to Doc Scott McKay. I was not in a good way, I wasn't in pain but anxiety over...
- C Cecilia A 84 days ago 5 étoiles Really positive emergency service. I was worried about visiting an emergency dentist but I found they...